ISO Certifications indicate that we comply with certain rules in our company (whether they are laws or internal standards and regulations). We, therefore, do not change our procedures according to the mood and other affecting factors, but we follow the processes that guarantee the best quality of our services to our clients.
As early as in 2011, we chose the ISO 9001 (Quality Management System) and ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System) certificates. We chose these certificates because we care about the environment and therefore we also buy special energy-efficient processors for our servers. Later in 2013, we added the ISO 27001 (Information Security Management System). TÜV SÜD’s ISO 27001 certificate focuses on a systematic approach to managing confidential information, including employees, processes, IT systems and even corporate strategy.
As one of few companies in the Czech Republic, we obtained two further important certifications at the start of 2021. These are ISO 27017 (a set of procedures which maintain information security for cloud services) and ISO 27018 (a set of procedures which protect personally identifiable information within public clouds). Both certificates extend the ISO 27001 and are focused on cloud services.
ISO 9001
- It guarantees a stable and unchanging quality of provided services.
- The whole company and all processes in the company are based on compliance with legal standards.
- All internal company processes and activities have their own guideline based on predefined rules.
- We have preventive measures in place to avoid defects and outages for the services provided.

ISO 14001
- It proves our positive attitude to the environment.
- We take environmental protection and prevention of environmental damage seriously in our company.
- All our steps are aimed at minimizing the environmental impact of our activities.
- We prevent any damage to the environment.

ISO 27001
- This certificate demonstrates that we can systematically identify and minimize information security risks.
- We have plans for controlling continuity management in case of human or natural emergencies.
- We have better protection of confidential information and reduce the risk of hacker attacks.
- We can cope more quickly with the consequences of an attack and strive improve our systems‘ ability to overcome the consequences of emergencies.
- We have a structured and globally recognized information security methodology.
- We comply with legal and contractual requirements.

ISO 27017
- Defines roles and responsibilities within the cloud environment
- Provides clear and safe rules for the removal of all data from the cloud
- Provides rules for the separation of customer services in the virtual environment
- Defines both software (cloud) and hardware (physical) security
- Defines how the cloud services are monitored

ISO 27018
- Provides greater security of personal data and information
- Guarantees transparency of the use of personal data
- Sets rules for passing data to subcontractors
- Meets all legal standards

ISO Policy
Quality and environmental protection policy (Czech only)
Information safety policy (Czech only)