The General Terms and Conditions of WEDOS Services

General Provisions

  1. These General Terms and Conditions (‘GTCs’) govern the contractual relationship between the Internet Service Provider and the Customer.
  2. The Internet Service (hereinafter referred to as ‘Services’) Provider is WEDOS, a.s., Company CIN 28115694, with its registered office at Masarykova 1230, Hluboká nad Vltavou, 373 41, Czech Republic, registered in the public register kept by the Regional Court in České Budějovice in Section B, Insert 1887, or other companies belonging to the WEDOS Group.
  3. Other companies belonging to the WEDOS Group are all commercial companies with a similar shareholding structure, or other WEDOS trading companies belonging to a related group with WEDOS Internet, a.s., including subsidiaries or affiliates. Since the list of these companies may change over time, they are only declared in general terms. The list of specific companies is always listed in its current form on the WEDOS website, along with these GTCs. They are run by some of the WEDOS Group companies. The specific legal relationship of a particular company to the Customer is determined (for paid services) by whom issued the tax document for the provided services provided to the Customer. If no invoicing has taken place, the Provider is always the company WEDOS, a.s., CIN 28115694, with its registered office at Masarykova 1230, Hluboká nad Vltavou, 373 41, registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Regional Court in České Budějovice in section B, insert 1887.
  4. The Customer is a physical person or a legal entity that enters into a Contract with the Provider. The contract will be concluded by filling in an order on the website ‘’ or on ‘’ (or other WEDOS pages) for any of the services offered by the Provider and with due payment according to the current price list of the Provider, or. setting up a service if it is a free service. By ordering the Service, the Customer agrees to these General Terms and Conditions (GTCs). Upon ordering, the Customer will receive a login to their WEDOS Customer’s account from the Provider. The Customer is a physical person who concludes a contract with the Provider for their private, non-business purposes.
  5. The term ‘Customer Administration’ refers to the ‘’ site, where the Customer can manage their services from the Provider after login.
  6. The term ‘authorization’ refers to proving the customer’s identity, in particular to prove their login name and password to the Customer Account, and thus to prove their right to use the account and the services under it. The Provider can require another method of authorization from the Customer.
  7. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that they are not entitled to enter into a contract with the Provider and to order services offered by the Provider on behalf of third parties, unless a third party has given them prior written consent. This written consent may be requested by the Provider at any time and the Customer is obliged to submit it immediately, otherwise the Provider is entitled to cancel the ordered service.
  8. By ordering the Service, the Customer expresses their unambiguous consent and understanding of the Contract, these GTCs and all other terms and conditions related to the ordered service, as well as the content, specification and price of the service ordered from the Provider. Both the Customer and the Provider are obliged to observe the generally applicable legal regulations, the provisions of the Contract, these GTCs and other terms and conditions if they are related to the customer-ordered service.
  9. By entering the Contract, the Customer also declares that they have become familiar with the functions of the given service and therefore are not entitled, within the framework of the provided service, to claim a refund of the payment already paid for, for any service, on the grounds that the type and performance of the service does not suit them. This can only be replaced by mutual agreement of the contracting parties before the conclusion of the Contract, and this agreement must be in writing. For some selected services, the Provider offers a money back guarantee for a period of 7 days, and this information is visibly indicated within the site of the relevant service. This guarantee may also be stated in the description of the specific service on the website.
  10. The Customer is fully liable for any damage caused by their conduct to the Provider, other Users of the Services or other third parties in violation of these GTCs and / or the laws of the Czech Republic. This responsibility cannot be relieved.
  11. In the event that the Customer violates these GTCs (or other related conditions for a specific service), the Provider is entitled to suspend their Services. In the event of a particularly serious breach or repeated breach of these GTCs (or other related conditions for a specific service), the Provider is entitled to cancel the service. The assessment of whether there has been or is a violation of these GTCs (or other related conditions for a particular service) is at the discretion of the Provider.
  12. The term ‘Suspension’ refers to the disabling of the Service and / or preventing access to the Service. At the same time, the Customer does not have access to any data (files, databases) belonging to the Service, and can only obtain them by fixing the damage to or renewing the Service, or paying the data recovery fee.
  13. The term ‘Cancellation’ refers to the service’s suspension, termination and deletion of data from it. The Cancellation process and deadlines of a service, ie its possible suspension, termination and deletion, differ for individual services. The Provider always provides an up-to-date overview on their website, either in the description of the individual services offered or in the description of the service cancellation process.
  14. An integral part of these General Terms and Conditions are the documents regulating the conditions for individual types of services offered:
    – The Ts&Cs of WEDOS Domain Services (DS Ts&Cs)
    – The Ts&Cs of WEDOS Hosting and Cloud Services (HCS Ts&Cs)
    – The Ts&Cs of WEDOS OnLine Monitoring Services (WO Ts&Cs)
  15.  Unless explicitly stated otherwise on the product page of individual services (in the offer and description), customer data is always located within the territory of the European Union (EU), especially within the territory of the Czech Republic. Data about Customers may be located within the territory of the European Union (EU). Due to the nature of some services provided by the Provider (for example, DNS servers or WEDOS OnLIne or WEDOS AnyCast), some data are also stored on servers of the Provider outside the Czech Republic and the EU. This is always explicitly stated on the site of the relevant service.
  16. The Provider has the right to publish the logo of their Customer, or the Customer’s basic identification data (such as their name, surname, company name, address) on the Providers websites, social networks or advertising materials for the purpose of promotion and use as a reference customer. The Provider has the right to publish a graphic preview of the work created by the Customer for the purpose of promoting some of the services offered by the Provider.
  17. The Customer is obliged to update their identification, invoicing and contact data (which is provided when ordering the service and registered within the Customer’s account in the Customer Administration) within 7 days of the moment that the change occurred. The contact details are updated by the Customer in the Customer Administration. The Provider may change the data on behalf of the Customer only on the basis of the Customer’s request sent in the form of an Authorized Request or in the form of a physical request on paper with a verified signature. In the event of non-fulfillment of the update obligation, the Customer bears full responsibility for any damage incurred.

Guaranteed Service Availability, Breakdowns and Downtime

  1. The Provider shall ensure the smooth operation of the services, except for the time necessary to maintain the technical and software resources through which the services are operated.
  2. The Provider is entitled to carry out planned system shutdowns for maintenance and upgrades.
  3. The Provider is entitled to carry out unplanned shutdowns if the situation so requires and they must be carried out urgently to ensure the continued operation of the services and servers.
  4. The term ‘Failure’ refers to a mistake in the technical or software resources of the Provider, which causes the service to be completely inoperative or unavailable, and as a result, the Customer cannot fully use it. A scheduled or unscheduled downtime is not considered a failure.
  5. The Provider is not liable for the malfunction or unavailability of the service caused by a third party. The Provider is not liable for malfunction or unavailability of the service which is caused by the Customer.
  6. The Provider assumes no responsibility for the malfunction or unavailability of the system caused by a technical or other problem on the part of the subcontractor, failure or shutdown of the Internet between the user and servers of the Provider or by force majeure. The Provider is not responsible for the unavailability of the service in the event of a user’s connection to the Internet.
  7. The Provider is not responsible for the interruption of the provision of Services to the Customer under these GTCs and / or the Contract in the case of intervention by third parties or force majeure (especially flood, fire, wind, war, earthquake, etc.) or in the case of failure of third party equipment (especially extensive and long-term power failure, telecommunication connection, etc.).
  8. None of the offered services provide detailed self-monitoring (of a public nature) and the Provider is obliged to inform the Customer of any service failures, downtimes or important changes on their WWW pages (especially in the customer administration – and on the status page – as far in advance as possible.
  9. The Customer is not entitled to compensation for damage or other costs incurred in connection with the unavailability of the service or loss (damage) of data or failure of another nature. Any compensation for damages and other costs, including liability for lost profits of the Customer, are always limited to the maximum amount, which is equal to the fee for one month of operation of the relevant service. Different claims for damages can be agreed upon in advance and only in the form of a written agreement or amendment to these GTCs.
  10. In the case of a malfunction or failure of the service, the Customer is obliged to file a complaint in writing (by e-mail, Contact Form) within 24 hours of the beginning of the malfunction of the service.
  11. The Customer is not entitled to any compensation due to service failure if all fees for all services provided by the Provider have not been duly and timely paid by the Customer, the service is terminated, the service is inoperative due to the Customer’s previous conduct, or the Customer does not make a complaint in writing (via e-mail or the contact form) about the malfunction of the service within 24 hours from the beginning of the malfunctioning of the service.
  12. Due to the nature of e-mail communication, the Provider is not liable for the correct delivery of e-mail messages from or to their servers and to / from their network and is not liable for any damages caused by undelivered or lost e-mail messages. Similarly, the Provider is not liable for incorrectly stored or uploaded or otherwise created data used for any services provided by the Provider (ie hosting and cloud services).
  13. The Provider is not responsible for the loss or damage of any data due to software or hardware failure of the server or disk array (for example, failure of the hard disk). It is the duty of all customers to prevent damage and therefore the Providers strongly recommends all customers perform their own backup of all data to the extent at the discretion of the Customer.

Customer Support and Communicating with Customers

  1. The scope and conditions of providing customer support are specified in detail in the conditions of individual services. The scope and conditions of support vary from service to service, and the Customer can choose the variant that suits them.
  2. When contacting customer support, the Provider may require the Customer to prove their idenity with their WEDOS customer account login details or other identification data provided for this purpose (Authorization). If the Customer fails to do so, the Provider may refuse to provide support or intervention from the Provider’s technician. The Provider reserves the right for additional authorization in case they suspect the compromise or misuse of the Customer’s account or the Customer’s login data within any systems of the Provider.
  3. As part of customer support, the Provider provides the Customer with basic information, instructions and advice through their website, which is related exclusively to the service (not its content). Other ways of support and assistance are always specified for each service. If the Customer asks the Provider to solve a problem that requires the intervention of the Provider’s technician and which was caused by an error on the part of the Customer, or as a result of incorrect use of the Service, the Provider may demand payment for the technician’s intervention according to the current price list.
  4. If phone support is available for the service, it is possible to use it to receive general information and advice, or resolve obvious service failures or defects. However, actions that require customer authorization cannot be requested over the telephone. In such a case, it is necessary to fill in the relevant form and create a ticket on the Provider’s website after logging in to the customer account.
  5. The Provider is not responsible for the content/information (including texts, images, videos), which is provided on the community website – (or other language versions). Likewise, the Provider is not responsible for the up-to-dateness of the information provided on the website (or similar websites of the Provider).

Billing and Payments

  1. The current price list is available on the Provider’s website ‘’, or on other of the Provider’s websites, where there are official descriptions and presentations of individual services. These other websites of the Provider may contain different language versions of the Provider’s website and individual language versions may contain different combinations of currencies and languages. Prices in individual currencies may vary, regardless of the current exchange rate. The Provider will announce any changes in the price list on time (and well in advance) on the same pages.
  2. Invoices and advance invoices are sent to the Customer via e-mail to the e-mail address specified in Customer’s WEDOS Customer Account. Accounting documents are not provided in paper form, to which the Customer expressly agrees. Sending accounting documents in paper form is possible for an additional fee according to the Provider’s price list.
  3. Invoices for one-time acts of technicians are payable in advance or within 7 days from the invoice being issued / sent to the Customer. If the operating (or launch) of the service depends on the payment of the invoice, the invoice is due immediately. The service will be provided after payment (and crediting of funds to the Provider’s account).
  4. If the Customer does not pay any advance invoice (payment request) by the end of the prepaid period of the service, the Provider is entitled to suspend the service.
  5. If the Customer fails to pay any invoice before its maturity, the Provider is entitled to suspend the service.
  6. If any invoice or advance invoice is not paid 3 calendar days after the end of the prepaid period of the service, the Provider is entitled to cancel the service. In this case, the Customer’s data will be permanently deleted. In the event that the Customer wants to retrieve the data (if the Provider has it available in its backup form) or the service is restored, the Provider is entitled to request payment for this service according to its price list.
  7. A Service which was terminated by the Provider or the Customer (using the so-called Service Termination in the Customer Administration), can completely be cancelled by the Provider immediately after the end of the prepaid period or immediately after the date of the agreed notice.
  8. Failure to pay the invoice or advance invoice does not affect the subscription period. The Customer is obliged to pay for the operation of the Service even during the period when it was suspended by the Provider.
  9. Invoices and Advance Invoices are deemed to be paid if all of the following conditions are met: a) the payment is sent to the correct account of the Provider b) the exact amount referred to in the payment order in the correct currency is remitted c) the correct variable symbol is given in the payment d) the payment is credited to the Provider’s account e) the payment is processed by the Provider’s payment system
  10. The Provider does not accept written, fax, e-mail or any other similar confirmation of payment if the amount has not yet arrived at the Provider’s account.
  11. In the case of international payment, the Customer is obliged to pay all fees related to foreign payment transactions (setting of the ‘OUR’ fees). Otherwise, the Provider does not accept the payment and the Customer is obliged to pay the difference so that the Provider receives the full amount required.
  12. All discount coupons, unless otherwise stated, apply only to newly ordered services for the first billing period only, do not apply to service renewals, and also do not apply to supplementary invoices and to additionally activated supplementary services. Discount coupons cannot be combined. Discount coupons cannot be applied retroactively (after the payment of an order). Discount coupons cannot be redeemed after their expiration (or other restrictions have been exhausted), nor can any compensation be claimed for unclaimed coupons. Redeeming the coupon means issuing an order (cancellation or change of the order does not affect the cancellation of the coupon, ie for example, a coupon for 1 use ceases to work when an order is created. The customer can cancel the order but the coupon will no longer work.
  13. If it is necessary to return an unused payment to the Customer (for example from an advance account), payments are returned in the same way as they are received (for example, when paying by credit card the payment is returned to this payment card or when paying from a bank account the payment is returned to the same bank account from which it was received). If an agreement is reached between the Provider and the Customer and the payment is returned in another way, the Provider is entitled to additionally identify and verify the identity of the payee and to charge an extra fee (according to the agreement) for the return of the payment in another way. If it is not possible to return the unused payment in the same way and no agreement is reached or a no new beneficiary is identified, the Provider is entitled to refuse to return the payment.
  14. The Customer agrees that handling fees may include charges for selected types of payments according to the Provider’s price list. This is mainly due to the administrative complexity of processing some payments or their high financial complexity (high fees).
  15. The Customer understands that a variety of third party payment systems (such as different payment gateways) are used to receive payments.
  16. The in-house payment system WEDOS Pay, which is operated by the subsidiary WEDOS Pay, s.r.o. (or another company serving a similar purpose) is used to receive payments from Customers for all companies belonging to the WEDOS group. This payment system acts as a payment intermediary between the Customer and the Provider and at the same time may use different payment systems (for example, different payment gateways) of third parties.
  17. The WEDOS Pay payment system can also, in case of interest from the Customer, be used as a so-called wallet, where the customer can store their funds for future payments for the Provider’s services (for all companies included in the WEDOS group). These means of payment are kept as non-purpose advances to pay for services provided in the future. The Customer can make individual payments from this virtual wallet for any services offered by the Provider or other companies of the WEDOS group. The individual requirements create a so-called blocking of funds in this wallet, and these funds are deducted once a month (at the end of the calendar month) and billed to the Customer by a comprehensive tax document. There is no interest on the funds in this wallet and no fees are applied to them, except for fees for exchanging different currencies within the same account. The Customer can request the withdrawal of unused, undrawn and unblocked funds at any time. The Provider is obliged to return these funds to the Customer no later than 30 days from the receipt of the authorized request. Returns are governed as described in the previous paragraphs. The same procedure applies to the so-called ‚Credit Account‘.

Providers‘ Rights and Obligations

  1. The Provider is not liable for the violation of trademark rights, trade name rights and other rights protected by generally binding legal regulations, which the Customer commits by using the services.
  2. The Provider is not liable for any damage or loss that has been or could be caused to Customer in connection with the use of the Services. Any damage refunds, including the liability for loss of Customer, are always limited to a maximum amount equal to one month of service operation. Different conditions can be agreed on only in the form of a written agreement between the Customer and the Provider.
  3. The Provider is entitled to change the parameters of services and their variations. However, they are obliged to notify the Customer of such changes in advance by means of information on the Provider’s website.
  4. The Provider is not entitled to interfere with the data created or placed by the Customer, unless otherwise agreed between them. This prohibition does not apply in case of a suspicion of a breach of these Terms and Conditions and misuse of the service provided. The Provider is obliged to inform the Customer about this immediately.
  5. In the event that the Customer violates these Terms and Conditions or other arrangements with the Provider, the Provider is entitled to unilaterally withdraw from the Contract and cancel the provided service. In this case, the Customer’s data can be deleted and can be stored on a replacement medium. If the Customer wants to retrieve this data, the Provider is entitled to request payment for this service according to their price list.

A Customer’s Rights and Obligations

  1. The Customer is obliged to use the services according to the manuals and instructions supplied by the Provider. They are also obliged to train all those involved in the management of services in this way.
  2. The Customer agrees to take all necessary measures to prevent misuse of the Services. The Customer is responsible for the consequences of such abuse if it occurs.
  3. The Customer is obliged to take all precautions to protect all access data (login name and password) of all users to manage and use the Services and to access the Customer Account. The Customer is responsible for any damage caused by misuse of the system by a third party who uses the correct login name and password to access it.
  4. The Provider is not responsible for the misuse of the Customer’s login data or personal data of the Customer or third parties, on the basis of which he accepted the order of the Service or made any required change or modification of existing data and Services, unless such misuse was caused by the Provider. The sending of this data by the Provider to the Customer via the contact address provided by them before and / or after the establishment of the Service, nor their sending to the Customer after the Customer requests their repeated communication cannot be considered a missuse of this information. The Provider is entitled to change the access codes for an urgent technical reason even without the Customer’s consent, provided that this measure is necessary for the proper provision of the Services.
  5. By completing the order (and ticking the appropriate check box), the Customer agrees that the Provider will send them information about news in the offer of the Provider’s services via e-mail. The cancellation of the sending of these e-mails is possible in the Customer Administration of a specific Customer.
  6. The Customer is prohibited from attempting to disrupt the operation of services and technical or software resources, intentionally overloading them, attempting to use services or systems contrary to their purpose, and this applies even if they do so in good faith (eg penetration tests, benchmarks, etc.) without with the consent of the Provider.
  7. It is forbidden for the Customer to use the services for purposes that are contrary to the laws of the Czech Republic or in contradiction with good morals, sending spam, etc.
  8. The Customer is obliged to comply with generally binding legal regulations of the Czech Republic and to act in accordance with good morals and generally accepted moral and ethical standards. In particular, the Customer may not violate the Provider’s and third parties‘ legally protected rights.
  9. The Customer is liable to the Provider for the correctness and completeness of the information provided upon registration, in all order forms and other documents. At the same time, the Customer is obliged to immediately update any changes or report them to the Provider. The Provider is not liable for any damages caused as a result of invalid or outdated data. The Customer is obliged to provide true and complete data in an order (and subsequent records kept by the Provider). Without this true and complete data, the Provider is entitled to suspend the service at any time without warning or cancel without compensation.
  10. The Customer will find all information and procedures for Operational Security of administration in cloud computing, such as damage caused by accidentally deleted virtual server or dozens of servers, as well as procedures for service renewal or termination, in the Knowledge Base or product page of a specific service. If the Customer inquires, the information will be specified. In order to avoid administrative overload of the organization (for example, for repeated or unfounded requests), WEDOS may charge the Customer for this detailed information according to the price list.
  11. The Customer will find all information and procedures on Critical Cloud Computing Activities, such as installation, editing, deleting virtual devices (servers, networks, storage) as well as cloud service termination procedures or, for example, recovery and backup procedures, in the Knowledge Base or product page of a specific service. If the Customer inquires, the information will be specified. In order to avoid administrative overload of the organization (for example, for repeated or unfounded requests), WEDOS may charge the Customer for this detailed information according to the price list.

Exclusion From the Service

  1. The Provider may refuse to provide services to a Customer, whose activity at least partially falls into one of the following categories or if the content that they provide, store, share or download, at least partially falls into one of the following categories: – is contrary to the laws of the Czech Republic or applicable international agreements – is contrary to good morals – the operation of any system that may be misused to commit crime – infringement of copyright, patent, industrial or other similar rights – sending unsolicited messages (spam) – direct or indirect harm to any third party rights – overloading infrastructure or technical or software resources of the Provider or other parties – threatening the privacy or security of other systems or persons
  2. The aforementioned provision applies to all that may be included in the above categories, and the Provider’s sole discretion is to decide on a breach of this paragraph by the Customer.
  3. The Customer is not authorized to store or share programs or data (files) of which they are not the author and for the hangling of which they do not have the author’s or rightholder’s written consent. The Provider is entitled to request written confirmation from the Customer that they are entitled to do so in case of a breach of this prohibition. The Customer is obliged to deliver this confirmation to the Provider without undue delay. If the Customer fails to deliver this confirmation, the Provider is entitled to restrict, suspend or delete the disputed data (files). The decision on the compliance of the use of the Service and these Terms and Conditions is at the sole discretion of the Provider.
  4. The Provider is entitled to examine the Customer’s data (files) if they suspect that the data (files) are in violation of these terms.
  5. The Customer is responsible for any damage caused to the Provider, other Customers or third parties. In the event that the Customer damages the reputation of the Provider, or in any way tries to do so, the Provider may immediately cancel their services and claim damages in the amount quantified by the Provider.
  6. The Provider will allow the placement of content with erotic and pornographic themes on their facilities only after prior agreement between the Customer and the Provider. Without this agreement, the placement, distribution and downloading of such content is prohibited.
  7. The Provider is entitled to restrict the operation of the Service if the Customer uses inappropriate software means for their operation or is not properly set up (eg. error in the script, inappropriate algorithm in the program, incorrectly set database indexes, etc.). The decision on unsuitability is solely at the discretion of the Provider.

Information Protection and Privacy

  1. Both the Provider and the Customer agree to keep confidential the facts that they have learned from each other in connection with the establishment and operation of the Services. The obligation of confidentiality does not apply to the provision of information to subsidiaries, parent companies or associates or to legal or accounting advisers and auditors, which the parties must ensure maintain the same degree of confidentiality.
  2. The protection of information does not apply to the case when the Provider has an information duty stipulated by law or when information is requested by state authorities authorized by law, or when information is publicly available.
  3. Details of personal data, handling of personal data and protection of personal data are in a separate document on the Principles of Processing of Personal Data of WEDOS Customers in Accordance with GDPR.
  4. In the event that the Customer stores any personal data with WEDOS, a Processing Agreement is concluded between WEDOS and the Customer, under which the Customer is the controller of this personal data and WEDOS is their processor. The same procedure applies if the Customer is already processing personal data for another administrator. In this case, WEDOS is another processor. The contract is available for download in the Customer Administration for selected services.
  5. The Provider agrees to ensure the protection of personal data against unauthorized or incidental access, to prevent its change, loss or destruction, unauthorized transmission or other unauthorized processing, as well as other misuse.

The Duration of the Agreement and its Termination

  1. The duration of the agreement and its termination are governed by the Terms and Conditions of the specific services.
  2. The Customer – Consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days of its conclusion, in accordance with the provisions of § 1829 of Act no. 89/2012 Coll., The Civil Code. Due to the fact that the Customer – Consumer explicitly requested the Provider to start providing services before the end of the withdrawal period, they acknowledge that they are obliged to pay the Provider a proportional part of the agreed price for performance provided until the moment of withdrawal. The Customer may withdraw by filling in the relevant form in the relevant customer section on the Provider’s website.
  3. Upon service termination, the Customer shall still be liable to pay unpaid invoices and advance invoices, except for an advance invoice for a subscription period that has not yet occurred.
  4. The Provider is entitled to terminate the provision of existing services due to the introduction of new services, changes in services provided, changes in market conditions, development of new technologies, etc. The Provider agrees to replace services with other similar services, if technically possible and economically reasonable. The Provider will inform the Customer about such a change in the form of a notice within a reasonable period of time (in advance). If the Customer does not decide to choose another alternative service from the Provider’s offer, the provision of the existing service will be terminated with one month’s notice. Unused funds for the remaining period will be returned to the Customer in the form of a credit note from the Provider, no later than 30 days after the end of the service.
  5. The contracting parties may terminate the contractual relationship by mutual agreement or by unilateral termination. The notice period is 1 month and starts from the day following the delivery of the notice to the other party. Termination by the Customer does not entitle the Customer to a refund of any funds, including, for example, unused funds for the remaining (unused) period of prepaid service.

Final Provisions

  1. All arrangements between the Provider and the Customer shall be governed by valid and effective Czech law.
  2. In the event of a change of jurisdiction, the Provider will immediately inform their customers about this change, no later than one month after this change.
  3. In view of the fact that the contractual relationship is established for a longer period of time, and this may mean changes in the market or legislation, the Provider reserves the right to act pursuant to Section 1752 of Act no. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, and to reserve the right to change these GTCs to an appropriate extent. The Provider shall publish the new wording of the GTCs on their website and the Customer shall be notified of such a possible change by e-mail within a reasonable time before the new GTCs come into force. The Customer has the right to refuse the change of the GTCs in writing by the date on which they becomes effective. In the event that the Customer does not reject the changes to the GTCs at this time, the contractual relationship shall be governed by the new wording of GTCs. In the event that the Customer refuses changes / new GTCs wording, the Provider and the Customer are entitled to terminate the relevant contractual relationship prematurely by mutual agreement or termination. In such a case, the notice period shall be 2 months from the written notice of the change of the GTCs to the other party.
  4. If these GTCs are available to the Customer in several language versions, the Czech version shall prevail. In such a case, the Provider is not responsible for the correctness of such translations.
  5. These GTCs came into effect on May 23, 2018.
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