Terms and Conditions of gTLD Registration
- Registration Agreement of gTLD
- Registrants’ Benefits and Responsibilities Specification
- Registrant Educational Information
Terms and Conditions of ccTLD Registration
ICANN Policies, Which We Follow
- Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy
- Registrar Transfer Dispute Resolution Policy
- Domain Name Transfers
- Whois Data Reminder Policy
- Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data
- Uniform Rapid Suspension System
Expired Registration Recovery Policy
Based on the provisions set forth in the Expired Registration Recovery Policy
Before a domain name expires, the Provider (WEDOS Internet, a.s.) sends the Customer (Domain Name Holder) at least 3 notifications to warn of domain name expiration:
- notice – 30 days prior to the expiration date together with a sent request for payment for the renewal according to the valid price list of the Provider’s domains.
- notice – 1 week prior to the expiration date
- notice – 5 days after domain name expiration along with payment instructions
If you have not been able to renew your domain name in time, please note that the Provider observes the following principles:
- 8 days after the domain expires, the domain name is removed from DNS, but it is still possible to renew it
- 30 days after the domain expires, the domain name is deleted, but can be renewed for a special renewal fee
- 60 days after the domain expires, the domain name is revoked and cannot be renewed.
- 65 days after the expiration date, the domain name is randomly released for new registration.
The renewal of a domain means payment of a renewal fee, according to the valid price list.
These rules only apply only to domains for which the Provider is a direct domain registrar and registrations are not mediated by another registrar.
Principles for the Receipt, Processing and Monitoring of Disputes
Tickets for resolving gTLD domain name disputes can be created via:
– The Contact Form for the domain department: domains@wedos.com
– Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +420 380999333
- WEDOS Internet, a.s. only accepts email correspondence or phone calls related to domain name dispute resolution and only from a valid and reliable source at its sole discretion.
- The reported dispute will be reviewed by the members of the domain department who will decide whether further action is necessary.
- The domain department will start the dispute resolution process and then coordinate all communications.
- If necessary, the domain department will contact the domain owner for additional information.
- The domain department will continue to monitor the domain name holder to see if the reported dispute has been resolved.
- WEDOS Internet, a.s. will fully cooperate with the registry (or other authorized entity) if it is necessary to suspend or revoke a domain name.
- Once the reported dispute has been resolved, the domain department will send information to all interested parties. In addition, all communications regarding the reported dispute shall be retained at least 2 years in accordance with Section 3.18.3 of the ICANN RAA 2013.
- Please note that we are not authorized to block/delete/transfer/etc domain names without a notice to do so from the Registry. All disputes concerning domain names should be addressed to the appropriate Registry that will cooperate with us for further actions.
- In terms of disputes over trademarks & domain names please note that we are not authorized to block/delete/transfer/etc domain names without a notice to do so from the Registry.
- Please acknowledge that we are not authorized to block DNS (websites/servers/etc) without direct notice to do so from the the Court/Police/Registry. Such actions should be accompanied with signed copies of such decisions in English (for Authorities ouside of the Czech Republic).
- We can only block DNS in case of proved malware, botnets, phishing, pharming, and spam (when spam is used as a delivery mechanism for any of the other four types of DNS Abuse) from the registered domain name. We are also eligible to block DNS or any WEDOS service in case of violation of conditions, terms and rules.